Wow, its been awhile hasn't it...
This is one of those games last year I kept puttin' off and puttin' off until I finally came around to trying it out last retrospect after playing it it's really one of those games with its moments but overall a failure of a project. Turok dives us back into the world of Dinosaurs, but don't be fooled this isn't a N64 or Xbox rehashing, the new Turok is set in a futuristic environment backed up with a story-driven FPS and a killer voice-over cast. In a nutshell Turok joins Whiskey Company assigned the task of hunting down and apprehending his former collegues in Wolf Pack, a militarized detachment specializing in black ops training and namely finding its leader and former mentor Roland Kane on a remote terraformed planet. Before you can carry out your assignment however your ship is shot down in orbit and you with its survivors soon find yourself in a life and death struggle on a planet infested with Dinosaurs, genetically-altered Bugs and oh yes plenty of Kane's goons...afterall it couldn't be Turok without Dinousaurs right?
As you progress you soon discover the game's sketchy plot and a bit of Turoks past through flashbacks. It's pretty simple, and narrow I might add...find Kane and stop him. Really I wish there was more to it than that, Kane is just like any other run of the mill bad guy you've seen, he wants power and is willing to do anything to achieve his goal. That's where the game drops off, the only thing that really keeps you going in the game is your fight for survival...because pretty well wherever you are in the game your in danger of being torn to shreds by Dinos. Aside from the games hazy plot there is some salvagable parts of Turok, namely the knife. I found the stealthied silent kills were the best part of this game, very accessable and easy-to-use, I loved just hiding in the grass then sneaking up on an enemy and jamming my knife through his skull...there was something eerily satifying about it lol "That's not a knife, this is a knife"... On to the cast, Propaganda did a good job in recruiting some great actors for this game. I was actually very surprised to find someone like Powers Boothe and Timothy Olyphant do a voiceover for such a substandard game, seemed like adding a room onto a house with an already broken foundation. Lastly there are some tense moments in Turok that will leave your heart beating a bit quicker than normal, the vicious growl of a Dinosaur in the distance will have you looking around wondering what's behind you. But its namely on the missions by yourself and at night or as you first make your way through the jungle. Either way the aspect of terror is still somewhat there...
The graphics also offer much to be desired, its lack of new-gen textures and lighting we've all come to expect pull you out of the feeling that your in the middle of a ravenous jungle, it just feels too much like the created world of a videogame. AI isn't much better, guys will alternate to cover, find 'em, pop 'em...pretty generic to say the least and the Dinos are cut from the same mold, just fast moving targets scurrying up a tree or straight after you with Turok always gaining the upper hand by knife or otherwise. Weapons are surprisingly tamer in this installment as well, the basic gear you'd expect from any run of the mill FPS, no cool toys this time around in Turok...just tap the RT when prompted to see a cool kill with the knife, that's it.
Final Verdict (Turok)-
Turok starts off interestingly enough setting the scene very well but soon drops off leaving you wondering just what the hell is really going on and where is this going? Unfortunetly both of those questions are never fully answered in the game...there's is a point at about the half-way mark in the game where you think your getting somewhere but in the end your left scratching your head wondering just what was Kane really up to? Overall the game isn't bad just outdated, built on the same foundation as previous-gen shooters, in the end if your looking for a 'different' type of FPS then this one might be right up your alley otherwise your not missing much, obviously if your into anything with Dinosaurs then I'd recommend this one for you but in the end if your a regular type of FPS gamer- some cool kills with the knife and nice Dinos, that's about it.
7.0 (Alright if not Okay)
Recommended for a very small audience.
I'm sure more reviews to come in time, feel free to question or comment any of the reviews I've done thus far...
[Edited by Jackal, 1/21/2009 9:09:05 PM]