No video game makes killers. Those kinds of people are already f*cked up mentally. Violence isn't caused by video games, it's caused by poverty or stupidity and in some cases desperation.
Anyways, what causes more violence, easy access to guns and the leniency that the legal system shows criminals or games?
WOW im so glad that some one else see's it as i see it not saying id let a 6 year old play this game but i have bean playing GTA sence i was 10 wow i have bean playing it for 5 years weird...and ways i havent killed anyone...that the cops know about ..JK im kiding every one no i have broken the law and i payed for it but IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH GTAi love this game and if i thot my kid was old anuff id let him play it.if you flip out and kill some one i think that you had problems long befor GTA