Think one of you brilliant CH people can bestow a trainer on us?
I would have to agree with this. Although the cheats are useful, a trainer would make it so much less frustrating inputting event 1013 over 200 times in a row .
Although using the editor you can pretty much set yourself up for life with each respective country you wish to play as. The annoying thing is, editing the wrong thing, orchanging certain stats, causes random crashes and/or crashes and errors at start up.
So yeah, a good trainer for resources and increasing production capacity would really help.
what editor and can u tell me how 2 get it thanks
Oh boy am I late for this party. Anyways sorry for the revival, but the editor can be found in the directory, just click Start> Programs > Paradox Interactive > Doomsday and you'll see it. It contains tech teams, technology, province information and stats, scenarios etc. All sort of manipulative information. Of course if you play too much with the technology and manipulate it, you'll break your language file token (or something like that) and you'll have to delete doomsdaytext.csv in your config directory and repair the game via the Uninstall button on your Autorun. Now since the repair replaces any missing files it won't touch the already existing, meaning that what you've edited will stay for sure. It will only replace doomsdaytext.csv and you'll no longer get the "Broken language file token" error.