stealthcamo68 posted on Jan 23, 2008 7:58:28 PM - Report post
Just an FYI,
There are many versions of the Witcher. I'm sure most of us are UK and US version. There are some minor differences in the game.
1 - Maturity - the girl cards you collect will be uncensored. 2 - US version has less swearing. 3 - Both UK and US version has less words and script then the original polish script.
The developers cut down 20% of the script to meet Atari's requirements.
I believe US version isn't much different other than that. I have the US version and the UK version and I see absolutely no difference really except for the morality and the principals in the game.(Maturity)
mykos posted on Jan 24, 2008 11:44:15 AM - Report post
There's a torrent out that imports all the non-US content into the US version, so if anyone is stuck with the US version, you can find it without too much difficulty.
[Edited by mykos, 1/24/2008 11:46:03 AM]
JunkCollector posted on Feb 04, 2008 9:22:23 PM - Report post
I've got the UK version, but from what I can tell of descriptions of the US version, there isn't all that big a difference.