It's too bad that you can't edit the ini files though, because it's a b*tch always to type them (but then there's the console history)
OR, maybe if you put a text file into the GoW root/Wargame/Config folder and add the mods you want, then in the WarInput.ini file put in a key that's not in use the command: "exec [enter text file name here].txt"
Could work, though I'm not entirely sure, and the location is still a bit fuzzy for me, but I'll test it out.
[Edited by Caboose666, 12/10/2007 4:52:12 AM]
Yeah, tested it, you need to put the text file in the binaries folder, but I didn't get the hotkey to work, but you can still type in the console "exec and the file"
[Edited by Caboose666, 12/10/2007 5:42:21 AM]
I tried entering these lines under the WarInput.ini file Engine.PlayerInput and then the WarfareGame.WarPlayerInput section but they didn't work:
Bindings=(Name="F12",Command="God" )
Bindings=(Name="F11",Command="exec Mod.txt" ) (the spaces are not really there, just so that it doesn't put a " there)
Also, technically speaking, the giveweapon command could work, as the game doesn't give any error message in the console, but it didn't give any weapons...
GiveWeapon WarfareGame.Weap_AssaultRifle
GiveWeapon WarfareGameContentWeapons.Weap_Bow
GiveWeapon WarfareGame.Weap_SniperRifle
GiveWeapon WarfareGame.Weap_Grenade
GiveWeapon WarfareGame.Weap_LocustPistol
GiveWeapon WarfareGame.Weap_Shotgun
GiveWeapon WarfareGameContentWeapons.Weap_Boomer
GiveWeapon WarfareGame.Weap_LocustAssaultRifle
GiveWeapon WarfareGame.Weap_COGPistol
Gotta try it out a little more...
[Edited by Caboose666, 12/10/2007 6:21:42 AM]