So many trainer engineers are working themselves to death lately, offering trainers with more and more options. But I believe that there is a huge market out there for people who think like me; a little cheating is fun, a lot just defeats the purpose of "competing" with the A.I. All we are really trying to do by cheating is balance things out a little, because it seems the A.I. is always faster than you and has a little more of something that you don't. IN racing you need more speed longer, hence "infinite NOS". In shooters, you need infinite ammo & "all weapons", and in builders, you need "instant build". Thats it; period.
So, anyway, can some engineer at Cheathappens build me a trainer for DOW dark crusade that OnLy gives me (and not the enemy, of course) infinite build capability? I would even consider this to be worth becoming a paying member. Or can someone point me to one somewhere that does this?
Thanks -By the way, the reason that I don't just go ahead and use the Cheathappens trainer here that I downloaded (chdctrn.exe), is because I use all my number keys 1 through 0 to assign my units (control 1, control 2, etc), and this trainer uses all the numbers 5 through 9, leaving me only 1 through 4!
[Edited by amaze122, 11/4/2007 9:04:22 AM]
[Edited by amaze122, 11/4/2007 9:06:24 AM]