Hey People,
I started to work on a new trainer for AOW: DA patch 1.06. Mainly iam creating a money trainer.
Well has this is my first trainer. I currently need loads of help. I successfully found the memory address where the value is stored and changed it. If i set it too 90000 money. It does show that money in the game. Now the problem is that iam not able to use that money to buy units. This games uses DMA. Everytime i start a new game the memory address keeps changing.
This is where the memory location which i found using TSearch and with using autohack. 5c7b81: move [ebx+0x44], eax.
5c7b81 mov [ebx+0x44],eax
5c7b84 fld dword ptr [ebx+0x44]
5c7b87 add esp,-0xC
5c7b8a fstp tbyte ptr [esp]
5c7b8d wait
5c7b8e lea eax,[ebp-0x18]
5c7b91 push eax
5c7b92 mov ecx,[ebx+0x48]
5c7b95 mov edx,0x6
5c7b9a mov al,0x2
5c7b9c call 0x0040F590
5c7ba1 mov edx,[ebp-0x18]
5c7ba4 lea eax,[ebx+0x4C]
5c7ba7 call 0x00404B48
5c7bac mov eax,esi
5c7bae mov edx,[ebx+0x4C]
5c7bb1 call 0x004049A8
5c7bb6 xor eax,eax
5c7bb8 pop edx
5c7bb9 pop ecx
5c7bba pop ecx
5c7bbb mov fs:[eax],edx
5c7bbe push 0x5C7BD8
5c7bc3 lea eax,[ebp-0x18]
5c7bc6 mov edx,0x2
5c7bcb call 0x004042C8
This 5c7b81: move [ebx+0x44], eax. and the above one never changes.
Can anyone with knowledge of this can help me and create a new trainer.
[Edited by ThunderWind, 10/8/2007 7:09:20 AM]