Hi guys. This pizzadox trainer makes my comp beep, every time Im activating any code, or quiting it. Its very annoying and I want to turn it off. Can someone help?
Okay, let's get this straight. Every time you turn on a command
it beeps? PIZZADOX works that way on Star Wars Battlefront 2. It beeps to signafy that you have just turned on or off one of
the commands. If you need any more help, PM me and I'll PM back
an answer(if I can either find it or know it.) It is impossible
to turn off the beeping, unless you put on music.(it muffles the beep.) Hope that helps you out. Don't forget, PM me for
any questions on where to get Trainers,how they work,and where
I think you shouldn't get Trainers.
I think the reason that the trainer beeps is because it is injecting the .dll, or some other file, to modify the memory.
Like I said before the trainer is beeping as a notification to let you know the trainer is writing to memory. It has nothing to do with injecting a dll or any other file. It's just a notification that the WriteProcessMemory API is being used.