Hi all,
Please help me. This is my first time playing STALKER, and I think I'm stuck. I've gone to LABX18, and retrieved the documents from there. However my PDA says the task of 'FInd the lab entrance' is not completed.
Secondly, I've also found Strelok's stash, which contained a Flash Drive, and have gotten out of the place, but my PDA says the task 'Find a way out of the underground' is not completed.
I don't know what to do anymore. Can anyone please help? Who do I have to give the document I got from LABX18 to?
I think on the first one it's some sort of glitch...
Try updating the game and maybe then the problem might be fixed.
Thanks NoWhereM and soldier.
If I update my game, I will not be able to continue with my v1.000 save file.
However, at this stage I think I'll need to start all over again any way.
Cheers all, if you can help me with my first problem, please say so....I'd hate having to start all over again.
Hey man,
I've been down this path MANY times, and I'm a highly-experience googler, and found ZERO useful information after MANY-MANY-MANY searches.
The reason: As amazing as this game is, it's BUGGY-AS-HELL, it kills me to say. The one critical flaw with this game, tasks cannot be reset
I've gone to the "end" twice in this game, meaning, I've done absolutely every single thing I can, working-around dead-ends.
The two that happened both times: not being-able to get the PSI-HELMET (which the game cannot continue without), and not being able to end the X18 lab one (as you mention).
I'd start-again, with the latest patch, as there are MANY 100% important updates. But this time: SAVE-SAVE-SAVE, and NEVER Save-over an old one. Because when probs like the X18 crop-up, you'll only have to go-back one save.
I've simply left the X18 one now, and using a trainer to work-around the PSI-Effects, so I can continue like I had the helmet, but without using "cheats".
PS. This is a BugMeNot account, but shows that many good users CBF signing-up. I found this thread, and just wanted to help this once. I'll leave it at that.
Thanks NoWhereM and soldier.
If I update my game, I will not be able to continue with my v1.000 save file.
However, at this stage I think I'll need to start all over again any way.
Cheers all, if you can help me with my first problem, please say so....I'd hate having to start all over again.
Dont feel bad about starting the game over. i have had to a few times. It doesnt bother me cause the game is FUN.