believe me u dont want 2 fight the big daddies on hard
they go rage
Research them loads until it says "big daddies are weaker to armour piercing rounds" (somthing like that) then just mow them down with armour pircing on a machine gun... they soon stop raging
I just beat it a few second ago actually, The game as a whole is one of the most amasing game experiences I've ever had. Not because of the gameplay alone, but the art. Those who say video games can never qualify as art need to shove their hand in a blender for all I care. Because this game is art in its purest form if you ask me.
absultly agree this is one of the most amazing games not only graphics wise but the sheer creativety of the art work i also love how the game seemed futureistic yet they put those funny 60s style cartoon paintings in there
[Edited by fault2k, 9/23/2007 11:49:45 AM]
[Edited by fault2k, 12/14/2007 6:38:02 AM]