Skimming the internet looking for game releases, I seem to have stumbeled upon an article on about Bully. Seeing alot of info that I already knew, I scrolled down, and something caught my eye. It was under the section where it says what system it was on. The usual PS2, yes. Below, however, I noticed that there will be a Bully coming out. No, not a Bully 2, but it may seem that way. The next Bully is going to be called Bully: Scholarship Edition, and will be released this coming fall for XBOX 360, and The Wii (YES!!!THE WII!!!!). Not much info yet on what to expect, but it will feature (gasp!!!) MULTIPLAYER MODE!!! Yes, I know many of you may know about this already, but for the people who don't, now you have something to look forward to.
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[Edited by avedis, 8/16/2007 6:39:33 AM]
Yea i seen it in my gameinformer i think it was.
dude, no need to go all 10-year old on me. im just saying alot of wiki stuff cant be trusted.
If youu want to see the release date go to type in bully then you will see it for the wii and xbox 360.