By my opinion the new call of duty will be a faliure.I say this becouse most shooter games become bad when they swich from ww2 to modern warfare and becouse call of duty2 whusnt wery good if compering it with call of duty:UO
I agree, although they might be able to pull it off I think this is a dumb move for the franchise...I know there trying to do new things and 'move forward' as a company as at this point WW2 has been done to death...but there is an era and uniqueness to the WW2 genre and I'm not so sure this project will succeed
Besides 'Modern Warfare' nowadays sucks...the way a war was meant to be fought happened in WW2
Took the words right out of my mouth.
SO what i have like 300 games and only 1 is legit and ive been playing for 12 years since i was 5 and ive played some of the most brutal games of that time no matter the rating acualy i think that there shoudent be a rating for games its stupid they are the way of the moderern education and people have to get used to killing,blood, guts and **** like that.
And you're Proud of that ? You're a real superhero -.-
[Edited by SecondLife, 10/13/2007 11:05:41 PM]