I'd say the ultimate death sentence for Genesis Rising has come with the reviews that the major reviewers have been hading out. Not that some players actually accept what they say as being true (take the NWN2 fiasco at 1up.com, for example), but I'd say that many players take the reviewers from major magazines and online sites quite seriously when it comes to these things.
If you haven't found it online yet, here's a fair idea of how things are being reported:
Gamespot: 5.0/10 (players give a 7.6)
IGN: 6.5/10 (players give a 7.3)
Gamespy: 2.5/5
1up.com: 3.0/10 (players give a 5.2)
Gamezone: 5.5/10
Yahoo!: 2.0/5
CCC: 2.3/5
Game Vortex: 90/100
GO Online: 74/100
Wham Gaming: 5.5/10
Source: Gamespot.com (
Sorry to say it, but both Game Vortex and GO Online (that's Game Over Online), which gave the game decent reviews, are ones I've personally never heard of, and only found through the source I'm using.
It's this array of bad reviews that have killed the support hopes that we have for this game. It's not a big seller, and it's definitely not going to win much in the way of good awards, except amongst us major league players who like something new every now and then