It is hit and miss, with the "Super Health". Normally a single bullet won't kill you, unless it is under rapid consession. Normally a tank, or machine gun will kill you as normal, but a normal shot won't. Also, you can fall from great heights, without being killed. The script that I wrote for the missions, worked in Operation Flashpoint, and worked for me perfectly in AA, until 1.05 patch. Now it bullets, seem to kill more often. That is why I called it "Super Health" and not invinciblity. I am not a programmer. I just a novice, who did a lot of research and playing around with OFP and AA. Once the next patch is released, I will attempt to re-do another script, I am working on, at the moment, which I am currently testing, but have to wait until new patch. Because there was a problem with 1.05 patch that changed the damage model values, and all shots are placed in chest, and not on limbs or heads. That is also why in 1.05, you can no longer shoot the ememy in the face, while they are standing up.