Will you PLEASE stop making these senseless Kotor topics...there's a million just like this one. I've created a board entitled 'Expert Asking: Do you need Help?' board to talk about and solve all problems with the Kotor games...these are nothing but spam topics, in the future refer to the board above...just search boards to find it...
This is not spam, seeing as it relates to KOTOR.
Please just let the mods do their job. If you think a topic is pointless or spam, post the link on the complaints thread and move on.
And they made you an Mod...
and they let you keep your account...
[Edited by Moderator Neo7, 2/16/2007 5:32:58 AM]
The guy says the game is good, tells a bit about how he's played it, and even says that he can help anybody who has a question, and now it's SPAM?
Uh yeah, obviously your no Kotor fan...there's like a hundred topics just like this, all he has to do is search boards or look for them...
[Edited by Jackal, 7/18/2007 5:40:22 PM]
The guy says the game is good, tells a bit about how he's played it, and even says that he can help anybody who has a question, and now it's SPAM?
no but the conversation now is...that why i put that pic on there
...and i think it's funny