Beta1 READY to be tested! For game version 1.01 - ALSO I wrote an Attribute trainer is in there for maxing Attributes (I am creating a more inclusive trainer- this one is primarily meant ot be used with this mod and to Beta test)
THIS MOD IS NOT FOR RELEASE OR TO BE POSTED ON CHEATHAPPENS UNTIL DONE PLEASE! Its not ready yet, but I need some folks here to GIVE back as I have spent a LOT of time on this so far. I need some help with the spell slots with you using my MegaMod cheat Item creator
Readme file here:
PLEASE right click and select "Save target as" or Link as or whatever your browser says to save the file and just download the text file and read it (Word Wrapped) in Notepad, WordPad or MS Word. Notes on how to "rollback" to the more stable version 1.01 - where to get the patch and complete install instructions:
LinkGrand Celestial ArchDragon Wizard class cheat MEGA Mod Multi/multi/multi class BETA1:
LinkPlease help with this spell slot stuff and how it works.
We need to figure out how to set up the item where it adds the appropriate amount/and levels of spell slots (which the item maker has) to where you get MAX spell slots (the max in the game I think is like 14 slots per spell level).
BUT REMEMBER, since your intelligence is so high you will get additional slots as well and as you level up you may increase your intelligence 3 or 4 times by the time you hit level 20). So I need a Robe that takes this into account created by someone with the unique properties listed in the readme.
How does/how much does Intelligence and level add to the spell slots in your spell book? Please do some tests like outlined in the readme after install and post you item results and post
some things regarding how many and which level slots I need to add to my Robe. I have a KILLER cutom designed Robe and am going to make various rings and so forth with the mod so a person can "choose thier own path" regarding weapons and Feats. Basically this will be (mostly) a Classless Spellcaster in a "class" all his own :P This will be
KILLER Fun Once done and convineint. He can also disarm traps, pickpocket, unlock chests, etc. Like I said he will be multi classed out the yinyang without ever multiclassing.
-I know the monk unarmed combat does not add special unarmed monk damage-I tried everything - just won't work its class specific
-I know the Bardsong stuff and the Druid natural morphing doesn't work- I believe these are scripted into the packages and this is a non scripted mod but the Bard spells work
-I need the "givespells all" command tested extensively and from going map to map and level to level.
-please follow the directions and clue me in on the spellslot thing and what I need to do to max the slots and please bug test with the givespells all as this definitely needs SOME work and it is crucial for my MEGAMOD.
-How many slots does each intelligence point and each level give you? I know Intelligence in the wizards primary gainer.