I don't recall providing much in the way of info that you could have used, so I doubt you needed to credit me with anything. The only thing of note that I recall posting was a tip on how to duplicate items using the trainer, but that's not exactly rocket science, and you didn't mention it in your FAQ anyway.
The console fix worked perfectly for me. Thanks for the info. I'll look into the sun flare/black-white flashing fix you mentioned in the other thread.
Ah, I thought you did the give lerning points command. Also which the Gothic Assistant link I posted in the same post as it has a tweak that JUST removes sun flares Check it out. And oh yea, I would take that advice in the faq about NOT using the razor trainer AT ALL. Period. As each option shares keys with cheat/debug function keys and could possibly corrupt your savegame and/or files or intruduce irritating bugs. Then again this game is so buggy, anyway, hehe.
[Edited by Gideon25, 11/8/2006 9:32:06 AM]
Oh, and you gan give yourself multiple items with the "give" command. I think its:
give # item
give item #
I believe its the same syntax as the gold cheat I put in the FAQ.
[Edited by Gideon25, 11/8/2006 9:48:22 AM]