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Message Board for Game Boy Color version
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Pokemon locations
  • Send a message to TeRm14
    TeRm14 posted on Mar 07, 2006 4:09:59 PM - Report post
    if u wanna kno where a pokemon is and what type of pokemon here's there locations A-Z
    do not ask anymore about where there location is.

    [Edited by TeRm14, 3/7/2006 4:19:53 PM]
  • Send a message to TeRm14
    TeRm14 posted on Mar 07, 2006 4:18:35 PM - Report post
    Abra – Psychic – Games Corner in Goldenrod, Route 24, 5, 6, 8

    Aerodactyl – Rock/Flying – See girl on RT14, swap for your Chansey

    Aipom – Normal – RT 29 and 44, in trees

    Alakazam – Psychic – Evolves by trading Kadabra

    Ampharos – Electric – Evolves from Flaaffy with experience

    Arbok – Poison – Evolves from Ekans with experience, and RT 4

    Arcanine – Fire – Evolves from Growlithe using Fire Stone

    Ariados – Bug/Poison - Evolves from Spinarak with experience, also RT 2

    Articuno – Ice/Flying – RBY

    Azumarill - Water - Evolves from Marill with experience

    Bayleef – Grass – Evolves from Chikorita

    Beedrill – Bug/Poison – Evolves from Kakuna with experience, and National
    Park, and in Silver, Ilex Forest, in trees at night

    Bellossom – Grass – Evolves from Gloom using Sun Stone

    Bellsprout – Grass/Poison – RT 31, 32, 44, 5, 6, 24/5

    Blastoise – Water – Evolves from Wartortle

    Blissey - Normal - Evolves from Chansey by happiness

    Bulbasaur – Grass/Poison - RBY

    Butterfree – Bug/Flying – Evolves from Metapod with experience, and National
    Park, and in Gold, Ilex Forest, in trees at night

    Caterpie – Bug – National Park, and in Gold, RT 30, 31, Ilex Forest and RT 2

    Celebi – Grass/Psychic – need a gameshark …

    Chansey – Normal – RT 13-15

    Charizard – Fire/Flying – Evolves from Charmeleon with experience

    Charmander – Fire - RBY

    Charmeleon – Fire – Evolves from Charmander with experience

    Chikorita – Grass – One of the starter Pokemon from Professor Elm

    Chinchou – Water/Electric – Fish from the dock at Olivine where the SS Aqua
    arrives from Vermilion

    Clefable – Normal – Evolves from Clefairy using Moon Stone

    Clefairy – Normal – Mt Moon, night

    Cleffa – Normal – Breed from two Clefairy

    Cloyster – Water/Ice – Evolves from Shellder using Water Stone

    Corsola – Water/Rock – Cianwood, fishing with Super Rod

    Crobat – Poison/Flying - Evolves from Golbat by happiness

    Croconaw – Water – Evolves from Totodile with experience

    Cubone – Ground – Rock Tunnel

    Cyndaquil – Fire – One of the starter Pokemon from Professor Elm

    Delibird – Ice/Flying – Ice Path

    Dewgong – Water/Ice – Evolves from Seel with experience

    Diglett – Ground – Diglett's Cave

    Ditto – Normal – RT 34

    Dodrio – Normal/Flying – Evolves from Doduo with experience

    Doduo – Normal/Flying – RT 26/7, Viridian City, Mt Silver

    Donphan - Ground – Evolves from Phanpy, also Victory Road, Mt Silver (Silver)

    Dragonair – Dragon – Evolves from Dratini with experience, Dragon Cave

    Dragonite – Dragon/Flying – Evolves from Dragonair with experience

    Dratini – Dragon – Dragon Cave

    Drowzee – Psychic – RT 34, 35, 11

    Dugtrio – Ground – Diglett's Cave, and evolves from Diglett with experience

    Dunsparce – Normal – Dark Cave (rare)

    Eevee – Normal – Free from Bill in Goldenrod, or as a prize from the Games
    Corner in Celadon City

    Ekans – Poison – Silver: RT 32, 4 Gold: Goldenrod Games Corner

    Electabuzz – Electric – Power Plant

    Electrode – Electric – Evolves from Voltorb with experience

    Elekid – Electric – Breed from two Electabuzz

    Entei – Fire – One of the Legendary Beasts, somewhere around Johto

    Espeon – Psychic – Evolves from Eevee, it has to be happy and evolve during
    the day

    Exeggcute – Grass/psychic – Ilex Forest, at night, in trees

    Exeggutor – Grass/Psychic – Evolves from Exeggcute using Leaf Stone

    Farfetch'd – Normal/Flying – RT 38

    Fearow – Normal/Flying – Evolves from Spearow with experience, RT 10

    Feraligatr – Water – Evolves from Croconaw with experience

    Flaaffy – Electric – Evolves from Mareep with experience

    Flareon – Fire – Evolves from Eevee using Fire Stone

    Forretress – Bug/Steel - Evolves from Pineco with experience

    Furret – Normal – Evolves from Sentret with experience

    Gastly – Ghost/Poison – Bellsprout Tower (night), Tin Tower

    Gengar – Ghost/Poison – Evolves from Haunter (Trade)

    Geodude – Rock– Mt Mortar, RT 45/6,
  • Send a message to TeRm14
    TeRm14 posted on Mar 07, 2006 4:21:33 PM - Report post
    Girafarig – Normal/Psychic – RT 43

    Gligar – Ground/Flying – RT 45/6

    Gloom – Grass/Poison – Evolves from Oddish with experience

    Golbat – Poison/Flying – Secret Islands, Mt Mortar, Ice Path, RT 26/7,
    Victory Road, Mt Silver

    Goldeen – Water – RT42, Mt Mortar, RT 26/7, 9, 10

    Golduck – Water – Evolves from Psyduck with experience, RT 6

    Golem – Rock/Ground – Evolves from Graveler (Trade)

    Granbull – Normal – Evolves from Snubbull

    Graveler – Rock/Ground – Evolves from Geodude with experience, Mt Silver,
    Dark Cave, Mt Mortar, RT 45/6, Victory Road

    Grimer – Poison – RT 16-18, Celadon City

    Growlithe – Fire – Gold: RT 36,37,7,8

    Gyarados – Water/Flying – Red Gyarados: Lake of Rage, regular Gyarados evolve
    from Magikarp with experience, Fuchsia City

    Haunter – Ghost/Poison – Evolves from Gastly with experience

    Heracross – Bug/Fighting – RT 29 and 44, in trees

    Hitmonchan – Fighting – Evolves from Tyrogue

    Hitmonlee – Fighting – Evolves from Tyrogue

    Hitmontop – Fighting – Evolves from Tyrogue, attack = defence

    Ho-oh – Fire/Flying – Roof of Tin Tower, Ecruteak

    HootHoot – Normal/Flying – RT 29, 31, 37 – at night

    Hoppip – Grass/Flying – RT 32, 13-15

    Horsea – Water – Secret Islands

    Houndoom – Dark/Fire – Evolves from Houndour with experience

    Houndour – Dark/Fire – RT 7 at night

    Hypno – Psychic – Evolves from Drowzee with experience

    Igglybuff – Normal – Breed from two Jigglypuff

    Ivysaur – Grass/Poison – Evolves from Bulbasaur with experience

    Jigglypuff – Normal – Route 4

    Jolteon – Electric – Evolves from Eevee using Thunder Stone

    Jumpluff – Grass/Flying - Evolves from Skiploom with experience

    Jynx – Ice/Psychic – Ice Path

    Kabuto – Rock/Water – RBY

    Kabutops – Rock/Water – Evolves from Kabuto with experience

    Kadabra – Psychic – Evolves from Abra with experience, also RT7

    Kakuna – Bug – Evolves from Weedle with experience, National Park, Silver: RT
    30, 31, Ilex Forest

    Kangaskhan – Normal – Rock Tunnel

    Kingdra – Water/Dragon - Evolves from Seadra by trade, holding Dragon Scale

    Kingler – Water – Evolves from Krabby with experience

    Koffing – Poison – Burnt Tower

    Krabby – Water – Dark Cave, Olivine, Secret Islands, Cianwood

    Lanturn – Water/Electric - Evolves from Chinchou with experience

    Lapras – Water/Ice – Union Cave on Fridays

    Larvitar – Rock/Ground – Mt Silver

    Ledian – Bug/Flying – Evolves from Ledyba with experience

    Ledyba – Bug/Flying – Silver: RT 31, 2 – morning

    Lickitung – Normal – RT 44

    Lugia – Psychic/Flying – Secret Islands

    Machamp – Fighting – Evolves from Machoke by trading

    Machoke – Fighting – Evolves from Machop, also Rock Tunnel, Mt Mortar

    Machop – Fighting – Goldenrod (swap), Rock Tunnel, Mt Mortar

    Magby – Fire – Breed from two Magmar

    Magcargo - Fire - Evolves from Slugma with experience

    Magikarp – Water – Slowpoke Well, Ilex Forest, Lake of Rage, RT 44, Dragon
    Den, Dark Cave, Fuchsia City, Cinnabar Island, Union Cave

    Magmar – Fire – basement, Burnt Tower, Ecruteak

    Magnemite – Electric/Steel – RT 6, RT 11

    Magneton – Electric/Steel – evolves from Magnemite with experience

    Mankey – Fighting – RT 42, 9

    Mantine – Water/Flying – Gold: RT 41

    Mareep – Electric – RT 32, 42

    Marill – Water – Mt Mortar, in the entrance as you approach from Ecruteak

    Marowak – Ground – Evolves from Cubone with experience, and Rock tunnel

    Meganium – Grass – Evolves from Bayleef with experience

    Meowth – Normal – Silver: RT 38, 5, 6

    Metapod – Bug – National Park, Gold: RT 30, 31, Ilex Forest, 2

    Mew – Psychic – gameshark?

    Mewtwo – Psychic - RBY

    Miltank – Normal – RT 38

    Misdreavus – Ghost – Mt Silver

    Moltres – Fire/Flying - RBY

    Mr Mime – Psychic – Route 21

    Muk – Poison – Evolves from Grimer with experience

    Murkrow – Dark/Flying – RT 7 (night)

    Natu – Psychic/Flying – Ruins of Alph

    Nidoking – Poison/Ground – Evolves from Nidorino using Moon Stone
  • Send a message to TeRm14
    TeRm14 posted on Mar 07, 2006 4:22:26 PM - Report post
    Nidoqueen – Poison/Ground – Evolves from Nidorina using Moon Stone

    Nidoran female – Poison – RT 35

    Nidoran male – Poison – RT 35

    Nidorina – Poison – Evolves from Nidoran female with experience, and RT 13-15

    Nidorino – Poison – Evolves from Nidoran male with experience, and RT 13-15

    Ninetales – Fire – Evolves from Vulpix using Fire Stone

    Noctowl – Normal/Flying - Evolves from HootHoot with experience

    Octillery – Water – Evolves from Remoraid with experience

    Oddish – Grass/Poison – Ilex Forest (night), RT 24/5

    Omanyte – Rock/Water – RBY

    Omastar – Rock/Water – Evolves from Omanyte with experience

    Onix – Rock – Violet City (swap), Victory Road, Rock Tunnel, Mt Silver

    Paras – Bug/Grass – Ilex Forest, National Park, Mt Moon

    Parasect – Bug/Grass – Evolves from Paras with experience

    Persian – Normal – Evolves from Meowth with experience

    Phanpy - Ground - RT 45/6 (Silver)

    Pichu – Electric – Breed from two Pikachu

    Pidgeot – Normal/Flying – Evolves from Pidgeotto with experience

    Pidgeotto – Normal/Flying – Evolves from Pidgey with experience, and RT 24/5,
    8, 13, 2

    Pidgey – Normal/Flying – RT 29, 30, 35, National Park, RT 36, 6, 5, 24/5, 2,

    Pikachu – Electric – Viridian Forest (Route 2)

    Piloswine – Ice/Ground - Evolves from Swinub with experience

    Pineco – Bug – In the trees in Ilex Forest and RT 43

    Pinsir – Bug – National Park

    Politoed – Water - Evolves from Poliwhirl by trade, holding Kings Rock

    Poliwag – Water – RT 30, 31, Ruins of Alph, RT 44, Mt Silver

    Poliwhirl – Water – Evolves from Poliwag with experience, and RT 30, 31, Mt

    Poliwrath – Water/Fighting – Evolves from Poliwhirl using Water Stone

    Ponyta – Fire – RT 26/7, Mt Silver

    Porygon – Normal – Games Corner, Celadon City

    Porygon 2 - Normal - Evolves from Porygon by trade, holding Upgrade

    Primeape – Fighting – Evolves from Mankey with experience, and RT 42, 9

    Psyduck – Water – Ilex Forest, RT 34, 35, 6

    Quagsire – Water/Ground – Evolves from Wooper by experience

    Quilava – Fire – Evolves from Cyndaquil with experience

    Qwilfish – Water/Poison - RT 32, 16-18 (rare)

    Raichu – Electric – Evolves from Pikachu using Thunder Stone

    Raikou – Electric – One of the Legendary Beasts, found in Johto… somewhere!

    Rapidash – Fire – Evolves from Ponyta with experience, and Mt Silver

    Raticate – Normal – Evolves from Rattata with experience, and RT 38, Mt
    Mortar, RT 26/7, 9,10

    Rattata – Normal – RT 29, 46, Bellsprout Tower, Mt Mortar, RT 26/7, 9, 10, 7,
    3, 4, 1

    Remoraid – Water – RT 44 (fishing)

    Rhydon – Rock/Ground – Evolves from Rhyhorn with experience

    Rhyhorn – Rock/Ground – Victory Road

    Sandshrew – Ground – Gold: Union Cave, Mt Moon Silver: Goldenrod Games

    Sandslash – Ground – Evolves from Sandslash with experience

    Scizor – Bug/Steel - Evolves from Scyther by trade, holding Metal Coat

    Scyther – Bug/Flying – National Park

    Seadra – Water – Evolves from Horsea with experience

    Seaking – Water – Evolves from Goldeen with experience, and Mt Mortar, RT
    26/7, 24/5, 9, 10

    Seel – Water/Ice – Secret Islands

    Sentret – Normal – RT 29, 1

    Shellder – Water – Cinnabar Island

    Shuckle – Bug/Rock – Cianwood (gift), Dark Cave

    Skarmory – Steel/Flying – RT 45/6, Mt Silver

    Skiploom – Grass/Flying - Evolves from Hoppip with experience

    Slowbro – Water/Psychic – Evolves from Slowpoke with experience

    Slowking – Water/Psychic – Evolves from Slowpoke by trade, holding Kings Rock

    Slowpoke – Water/Psychic – Slowpoke Well

    Slugma – Fire – RT 16-18

    Smeargle – Normal – Ruins of Alph (grassy bit)

    Smoochum – Ice/Psycic - Breed from a Jynx and a Ditto

    Sneasel – Dark/Ice – Mt Silver

    Snorlax – Normal – Blocking the path to the Diglett's Cave

    Snubbull – Normal – RT 38

    Spearow – Normal/Flying – RT 29, 46, 42, 9, 10, 7, 3, 4, Viridian City

    Spinarak – Bug/Poison – RT 31, 37 – at night

    Squirtle – Water – RBY
  • Send a message to TeRm14
    TeRm14 posted on Mar 07, 2006 4:24:04 PM - Report post
    Stantler – Normal – RT 37 at night

    Starmie – Water/Psychic – Evolves from Staryu using Water Stone

    Staryu – Water – Cianwood (fishing at night)

    Steelix – Steel/Ground – Evolves from Onix by trade, holding Steel Coat

    Sudowoodo – Rock – RT 36

    Suicune – Water – One of the Legendary Beasts, found somewhere in Johto

    Sunkern – Grass – National Park, RT 24/5

    Sunflora – Grass – Evolves from Sunkern using Sun Stone

    Swinub – Ice/Ground – Ice Path

    Tangela – Grass – RT 44, Mt Silver

    Tauros – Normal – RT 38

    Teddiursa – Normal – Gold: RT 45/6

    Tentacool – Water/Poison – Anywhere there is sea!

    Tentacruel – Water/Poison – Evolves from Tentacool with experience, and
    anywhere there is sea

    Togepi – Normal – Hatches from the Mystery Egg

    Togetic – Normal/Flying - Evolves from Togepi by happiness

    Totodile – Water – Starter Pokemon from Professor Elm

    Typhlosion – Fire – Evolves from Quilava with experience

    Tyranitar – Rock/Dark - Evolves from Larvitar with experience

    Tyrogue – Fighting – Mt Mortar

    Umbreon – Dark – Evolves from Eevee, by happiness, it needs to evolve at

    Unown – Psychic – Ruins of Alph

    Ursaring – Normal – Gold: Victory Road, Mt Silver

    Vaporeon – Water – Evolves from Eevee using Water Stone

    Venomoth – Bug/Poison – Evolves from Venonat with experience, also RT 24 and

    Venonat – Bug/Poison – National Park, RT 43, 24/5

    Venusaur – Grass/Poison – Evolves from Ivysaur with experience

    Victreebel – Grass/Poison – Evolves from Weepinbell using Leaf Stone

    Vileplume – Grass/Poison – Evolves from Gloom using Leaf Stone

    Voltorb – Electric – Olivine (swap), RT 9, 10

    Vulpix – Fire – Silver: RT 36, 37, 8, 7

    Wartortle – Water – Evolves from Squirtle with experience

    Weedle – Bug – National Park, Silver: 30, 31, 2

    Weepinbell – Grass/Poison – Evolves from Bellsprout with experience

    Weezing – Poison – Evolves from Koffing with experience

    Wigglytuff – Normal – Evolves from Jigglypuff using Moon Stone

    Wobbuffet – Psychic – Dark Cave

    Wooper – Water/Ground – Ruins of Alph, RT 32 (night), Union Cave

    Xatu – Psychic/Flying - Evolves from Natu with experience

    Yanma – Bug/Flying - RT 35 (night)

    Zapdos – Electric/Flying - RBY

    Zubat – Poison/Flying – Dark Cave, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well, Ilex Forest,
    Burnt Tower, Secret Islands, Mt Mortar, Ice Path, Rock Tunnel, Mt
  • Current rank: 1.5 Stars. Next Rank at 500 Posts.
    Send a message to maverick102
    maverick102 posted on Mar 10, 2006 3:59:56 AM - Report post
    originally posted by TeRm14

    Stantler – Normal – RT 37 at night

    Starmie – Water/Psychic – Evolves from Staryu using Water Stone

    Staryu – Water – Cianwood (fishing at night)

    Steelix – Steel/Ground – Evolves from Onix by trade, holding Steel Coat

    Sudowoodo – Rock – RT 36

    Suicune – Water – One of the Legendary Beasts, found somewhere in Johto

    Sunkern – Grass – National Park, RT 24/5

    Sunflora – Grass – Evolves from Sunkern using Sun Stone

    Swinub – Ice/Ground – Ice Path

    Tangela – Grass – RT 44, Mt Silver

    Tauros – Normal – RT 38

    Teddiursa – Normal – Gold: RT 45/6

    Tentacool – Water/Poison – Anywhere there is sea!

    Tentacruel – Water/Poison – Evolves from Tentacool with experience, and
    anywhere there is sea

    Togepi – Normal – Hatches from the Mystery Egg

    Togetic – Normal/Flying - Evolves from Togepi by happiness

    Totodile – Water – Starter Pokemon from Professor Elm

    Typhlosion – Fire – Evolves from Quilava with experience

    Tyranitar – Rock/Dark - Evolves from Larvitar with experience

    Tyrogue – Fighting – Mt Mortar

    Umbreon – Dark – Evolves from Eevee, by happiness, it needs to evolve at

    Unown – Psychic – Ruins of Alph

    Ursaring – Normal – Gold: Victory Road, Mt Silver

    Vaporeon – Water – Evolves from Eevee using Water Stone

    Venomoth – Bug/Poison – Evolves from Venonat with experience, also RT 24 and

    Venonat – Bug/Poison – National Park, RT 43, 24/5

    Venusaur – Grass/Poison – Evolves from Ivysaur with experience

    Victreebel – Grass/Poison – Evolves from Weepinbell using Leaf Stone

    Vileplume – Grass/Poison – Evolves from Gloom using Leaf Stone

    Voltorb – Electric – Olivine (swap), RT 9, 10

    Vulpix – Fire – Silver: RT 36, 37, 8, 7

    Wartortle – Water – Evolves from Squirtle with experience

    Weedle – Bug – National Park, Silver: 30, 31, 2

    Weepinbell – Grass/Poison – Evolves from Bellsprout with experience

    Weezing – Poison – Evolves from Koffing with experience

    Wigglytuff – Normal – Evolves from Jigglypuff using Moon Stone

    Wobbuffet – Psychic – Dark Cave

    Wooper – Water/Ground – Ruins of Alph, RT 32 (night), Union Cave

    Xatu – Psychic/Flying - Evolves from Natu with experience

    Yanma – Bug/Flying - RT 35 (night)

    Zapdos – Electric/Flying - RBY

    Zubat – Poison/Flying – Dark Cave, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well, Ilex Forest,
    Burnt Tower, Secret Islands, Mt Mortar, Ice Path, Rock Tunnel, Mt

    when you say that ariados is on route 2, is this in gold only? and that spinarak is on RT 31 and 37 is this on gold?


  • Send a message to TeRm14
    TeRm14 posted on Mar 10, 2006 9:09:29 PM - Report post
    originally posted by maverick102

    originally posted by TeRm14

    Stantler – Normal – RT 37 at night

    Starmie – Water/Psychic – Evolves from Staryu using Water Stone

    Staryu – Water – Cianwood (fishing at night)

    Steelix – Steel/Ground – Evolves from Onix by trade, holding Steel Coat

    Sudowoodo – Rock – RT 36

    Suicune – Water – One of the Legendary Beasts, found somewhere in Johto

    Sunkern – Grass – National Park, RT 24/5

    Sunflora – Grass – Evolves from Sunkern using Sun Stone

    Swinub – Ice/Ground – Ice Path

    Tangela – Grass – RT 44, Mt Silver

    Tauros – Normal – RT 38

    Teddiursa – Normal – Gold: RT 45/6

    Tentacool – Water/Poison – Anywhere there is sea!

    Tentacruel – Water/Poison – Evolves from Tentacool with experience, and
    anywhere there is sea

    Togepi – Normal – Hatches from the Mystery Egg

    Togetic – Normal/Flying - Evolves from Togepi by happiness

    Totodile – Water – Starter Pokemon from Professor Elm

    Typhlosion – Fire – Evolves from Quilava with experience

    Tyranitar – Rock/Dark - Evolves from Larvitar with experience

    Tyrogue – Fighting – Mt Mortar

    Umbreon – Dark – Evolves from Eevee, by happiness, it needs to evolve at

    Unown – Psychic – Ruins of Alph

    Ursaring – Normal – Gold: Victory Road, Mt Silver

    Vaporeon – Water – Evolves from Eevee using Water Stone

    Venomoth – Bug/Poison – Evolves from Venonat with experience, also RT 24 and

    Venonat – Bug/Poison – National Park, RT 43, 24/5

    Venusaur – Grass/Poison – Evolves from Ivysaur with experience

    Victreebel – Grass/Poison – Evolves from Weepinbell using Leaf Stone

    Vileplume – Grass/Poison – Evolves from Gloom using Leaf Stone

    Voltorb – Electric – Olivine (swap), RT 9, 10

    Vulpix – Fire – Silver: RT 36, 37, 8, 7

    Wartortle – Water – Evolves from Squirtle with experience

    Weedle – Bug – National Park, Silver: 30, 31, 2

    Weepinbell – Grass/Poison – Evolves from Bellsprout with experience

    Weezing – Poison – Evolves from Koffing with experience

    Wigglytuff – Normal – Evolves from Jigglypuff using Moon Stone

    Wobbuffet – Psychic – Dark Cave

    Wooper – Water/Ground – Ruins of Alph, RT 32 (night), Union Cave

    Xatu – Psychic/Flying - Evolves from Natu with experience

    Yanma – Bug/Flying - RT 35 (night)

    Zapdos – Electric/Flying - RBY

    Zubat – Poison/Flying – Dark Cave, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well, Ilex Forest,
    Burnt Tower, Secret Islands, Mt Mortar, Ice Path, Rock Tunnel, Mt

    when you say that ariados is on route 2, is this in gold only? and that spinarak is on RT 31 and 37 is this on gold?


    yes they are all on g/s unless it says "RBY"

    and u dont have to apoligize ur cool u can ask me questions about pokemon on this board but dont ask on other board or even type anything on it unless i do because u relly dont need other pokemon board.

  • Current rank: 1.5 Stars. Next Rank at 500 Posts.
    Send a message to maverick102
    maverick102 posted on Mar 11, 2006 9:18:33 AM - Report post
    thank you!!!!
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