We currently don't have any Blitz: The League trainers, cheats or editors for PC. Premium members may REQUEST new trainers and cheats using our request system as long as the game has not been permanently retired or multiplayer only in nature. Use our message board to discuss the game.
zack_attack posted on Dec 27, 2005 8:05:28 PM - Report post
Well i'm going to rent the game anyways, but I would just like to get a few opinions about it. Is it as good as the one for N64? I heared it's all about gangs and prison and drugs now, unlike the old N64 days where it was classic street football in a stadium, where you could beat the crap out of people. I want that, just with some of the new features and of course enhanced graphics. So tell me, give the game a review and stuff how is it, how would you rate it?
HurricaneIvan posted on Dec 27, 2005 10:02:39 PM - Report post
the games pretty fast pace and it has a clash meter thing. You casn use steroides for when your player gets hurt to shorten the return time. plenty of good moves. When you start a game sometimes it says that the opposing teams like to party before games. That's when it asks you to swend hookers for about 25,00$ and the next day during the game the other team loses 10 stamina points. The really cool thing is when youre about to start a play. someties the teams start trash taliking. When there are a lot of dirty hits(clash/power hits) then tempers start flaring one more dirty hit and it's brawl, literally. you have to tackle eachother during a frefor all who ever wins gets some late hit icons. You use icons for unleash, when you get 6 ithink. Thats basically when you clash is powered up even more. if you unleash catch with a receiver or unleash stiff arm or eveade(juke), the player becomes invulnerable for a tiem, he just brakes tackles left and right. The game takes a long time to load and save, about a minute to load and two to save. If you really want to get a feal for the game then go to training on the main menu. It has some reall good info and lets you try stuff yourself, and you unlock stuff while your doing it. If you rally want to be good at this game you better get used to really fast pace gameplay. You can't go out unless your hit out so that's pretty cool i geuss.
[Edited by HurricaneIvan, 12/27/2005 10:04:38 PM]
People deserve to get the full expieriance of their games!!!
HurricaneIvan posted on Dec 28, 2005 3:07:14 PM - Report post
I forgot the obvious, there's no penalties. Anything goes, hence "Win At Any Cost".
On the commercail where it shows tthat one dude punching the other guy in the bar, you don't get to really do that part. It was just a video You see before playing agaist this other team, the video shows their team caption and what he's like. I think you get to see one for every team. My favorite one is the texas outlaws, and their caption (last name)mass, the narater dude's all he might be short but he's tough, you'd geuss he'd have to be to get the nickname "Mighty Maas"(get it, "Mighty Mouse", that one superhero mouse).
People deserve to get the full expieriance of their games!!!
megamike posted on Jan 29, 2006 7:05:55 AM - Report post
the game is really good Just one thing, you can not beat the crap out of people. The computer does that for you obout that prision thing on TV, they only show it on some of the players before the game. In campaign mode there are 3 divisions. In division 1, on the first game there is a surprise. A really bad surprize. One more thing, do not get mad at the game because it freases a lot
thealchemist posted on Jan 29, 2006 7:53:25 AM - Report post
The game has awesome graphics and is tottaly fun so its up to you
dlr posted on Feb 04, 2006 5:17:04 PM - Report post
yea its a really raft paced game the thing i love doing is aiming a blitz and going for the QB and using my clash or unleash to get their QB out for a season