brutal brule can never have a ten if your good u can just stand in th emiddle of the map with a poll and knockem flying
but the whole fun of that mission is to stand in the middle without a pole and just kill every single smith that comes near for about 30 minutes, all the while listening to smith say things like. "it's pointless." "why do you persist?" "your end is inevitable..." geez, how ironic....
secondly, the next to last mission, fighting smith in the pit.... you learn mega punch then, but.... smith moves so fast normally, it's hard to hit him with it.. .i'm like WTF? i waited the whole game for this, i want it to work..
ok, to ratings, well, the game itself was good. i was especially happy with the skill test at the beginning, it seperates the noobs from the experts, keeping the action at your level, not the level the game wants you to play it at... which is a huge plus... but, yes, the game fails to deliver with weak character models that look hardly like their movie counterparts, especially Neo... i don't know where they got that from, but it needs to go back to the trash, the synching, while it's meant to go with the whole "bullet time" thing, i believe is still behind, and the enemy ai sometimes does....not so smart things.....
overall, it's a fairly good game, jsut not one i'd like to rent more than once.... it's just not my type of game... anyway....
on a different subject, i think that the perfect matrix game would have to go on the next gen systems, or maybe even their predecessors, and take place either before or after the events of the movie, with a completely new storyline, essentially, it should be a completely new thing, seperate from the movies, because they have marred the last two matrix games in my opinion, if anyone agrees, i'd be glad to know... (an RPG would be nice too... )