It would be a lot more useful had it continuously set the levels to 0. But hey, it's better than nothing.
An annoying side-effect of having that much money, your boss keeps harassing you constantly for his share of your earnings...
You don't have to work at Suks anymore. You own a business downtown. You are a boss. So go and run it.
if youre pizzadox wasnt working, heres what youll do, for you need to run it outside the program, unzipped it 1st then run the application, then open your version of 7 sins, then to see the effect of the option.. you have to pause and unpause the game before you see it effect. have fun?1
how do i pause and unpause the game? i've unzip it correctly, i get the money cheat working but not the other cheat. for example i pressed shift 5 and hears a sound but nothing happened, cheat not working. could anyone help me in this?