For those that complain about the labelling of ressource being wrong...
I agree, they keep channging in game, BUT, the numbers are correct, so, just look at what correspond to what, and the issue doesn't exist anymore, it's not like you have to click every few second for that option, and it's not hard to remember wich line is what ressource.
For oil, i use in paralelle CoSMOS, and that does the job.
We'll have option in the futur, maybe.
Stay warm, people.
No need to worry about it. I had a request for trainer update every day because people didn't like that the resources were labelled out of order. So I made the super resources option and removed the options so there isn't pages of "complaints" and 10 update requests a day.
Those options are gone and never coming back. The same effect by turning on one simple option gives you enough of every type of resource in the game if you have at least 1
Game is still in EA, patching all the time, and we have 10000 other games and I don't need trainer request updates clogging up my time and my inbox.
Use the resource option and enjoy
For those that complain about the labelling of ressource being wrong...
I agree, they keep channging in game, BUT, the numbers are correct, so, just look at what correspond to what, and the issue doesn't exist anymore, it's not like you have to click every few second for that option, and it's not hard to remember wich line is what ressource.
For oil, i use in paralelle CoSMOS, and that does the job.
We'll have option in the futur, maybe.
Stay warm, people.
No need to worry about it. I had a request for trainer update every day because people didn't like that the resources were labelled out of order. So I made the super resources option and removed the options so there isn't pages of "complaints" and 10 update requests a day.
Those options are gone and never coming back. The same effect by turning on one simple option gives you enough of every type of resource in the game if you have at least 1
Game is still in EA, patching all the time, and we have 10000 other games and I don't need trainer request updates clogging up my time and my inbox.
Use the resource option and enjoy
This honestly makes a ton of sense. The way the game works, being able to narrowly edit the stockpiles isn't ultimately really necessary. Folks can turn the option if they want the stockpile to get used up.
The game does seem to keep changing values around as you progress through it, and the DLCs will likely screw things up even more on this front when they come out. So its a good idea to just have a single "lots of resources" option and not edit the rest.