The crash happens any time i try to enter the workbench after having run the trainer. Not sure if the max inventory or easy craft had anything to do with that?
For now I just wont be workbenching on this save lol
saves and instructions on how to repeat and where the save games go are always helpful
The crash happens any time i try to enter the workbench after having run the trainer. Not sure if the max inventory or easy craft had anything to do with that?
For now I just wont be workbenching on this save lol
saves and instructions on how to repeat and where the save games go are always helpful
yes i figured it out due to the amount of items in the inventory so i had move the large amount to my storage box then i enter the workbench and was able to upgrade and craft my items.
The crash happens any time i try to enter the workbench after having run the trainer. Not sure if the max inventory or easy craft had anything to do with that?
For now I just wont be workbenching on this save lol
Let us know if you figure it out for sure and provide re-produce steps and we can fix if needed.
yes i figured it out due to unlimited inventory so i had move a large amount to my storage box then i reenter the workbench and was able to upgrade and craft my items.
i had to move my health potion down to a min of 50 or less? or you can due is add more to your inventory and see how much can you have on hand then try enter your workbench?