Thanks for approving the Windows store version of the game. I've just tried to use it and I got this error and the trainer fails to activate.
21:48:56: Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth, Ver.1.13 (STEAM/WINDOWSSTORE/XBOXGAMEPASS), Last modified: 01/27/2024 17:09:49
21:48:57: Controller connected
21:49:16: Successfully attached to likeadragon8
21:49:21: Collect Selected Inventory, Script error in line 3: Cannot find aob for 'Collect_Selected_Inventory'
I ensured that I've selected the gamepass version of the trainer as well.
Did a search for "Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth" on my XBOX app to try and load the game. Appears it doesn't show up here in the US or something.
Can't "update" or do Windows Store version. We put compatible because someone said the earlier trainer was compatible.
Now, if someone wants to send me the .exe.
I can look into it, otherwise, trainer cannot be "updated"
Do you still need the .exe? If so could you guide me as I can't seem to copy it, permissions (despite being admin) won't allow me to copy at all.
By the way in the UK it also doesn't show up on the Xbox App only via Microsoft Store. I think it's a bug or just not part of the Game Pass yet. 😔
[Edited by laitham, 1/31/2024 7:07:12 AM]
Would like to request unlimited crafting ingredients and/or dokobucks for use on Donkondo Island. Savegame attached here because I couldn't get it to attach with official form for requesting new options.
[Edited by WildBill023, 2/25/2024 4:38:27 PM]
nothing attached and pleas use the proper method to request options to be added
Please use the trainer option request system for requesting new options be added to this trainer and/or vote on options already requested.