Never mind about the error. Seems the trainer is out of date.
Seems the game is broken beyond repair and patching every 8 hours still after 9 months ..
Note that this is basically the second game by this same company with the same premise and same backbone coding. Why they can't "get it right" or need 2 years of patches every day to get this game "completed" I don't know.
I am starting to think that Early Access is actually just a way to keep a game "fresh" for sale and generate more sales over time, rather than any sort of way to make a "better" game. Companies have found that out, at least independents.
Patched every day the last 3 days, including today.
2029? That's very optimistic 🙊🙈
that's assuming they don't abandon this game and then make another Ark game that is just as buggy as the current Ark games