Does anyone know if you use the debug menu to unlock the map upgrades does it screw anything up? Like progression bugs or anything? That's really all I want to use to make completion not so tedious.
[Edited by muccmaster, 5/13/2023 8:54:41 PM]
It sure can. Additionally, it helps in overcoming some game breaking bugs.
I completed the main plot a couple of days ago. Couldn't do it without the dev menu.
I have the game installed on 2 PCs, and since they patched the dev menu out in the most recent patch, I had to copy over saves from PC1 to PC2 where I kept the game outdated, cheat past several bugged out parts, then copy the saves over back to the main PC1.
Googling revealed that the bugs are present on consoles too, and users there have no way of cheating, making their games essentially break.
You can use CoSMOS to edit Holo Battle Points.
Picture: Link
Can you describe the steps you took to do this? Thanks
Does anyone know how to get to a particular mission in debug menu. I used to to skip ahead to the Rayvis boss fight but when I tried to skip to the next boss fight ..confront Dagan it skipped all the way to the end and I haven't been able to go back
Thank you
Weird..... probably something our new savegame protection feature in Aurora could have helped with.
Crash. Usually if you have health, slow, saber and force enabled. Happens to me mostly after hitting a save spot or post cut scene/loading area (like fast travel or challenge). Have started to disable it before these events and enable it after - that seems to do the trick. Crash is not concistently reproducible.
NOTE: latest version of game as of 5/17/2023