Yeah it seems you will have to start a new save with the traine. Although when you use the Always Noon cheat it will reset day progress to Monday, Day 1 at 12:00 pm. I think that is what cause the issue with items you acquire past this day. So a possible solution is acquire the Nets and the Crabs Pots you want on the first day (aka with Always Noon activated), so you can use Always Noon later.
Tested this theory and Always Noon still causes the same issues Nets, Crab Pots, and Light.
I second that. My game is broken after use only Always noon :/
Please remove the trainer before other will corrupt their savegames
[Edited by vodkapom, 4/1/2023 7:40:18 AM]
Can someone else start a game, use this option ONLY, make saves (for fun) and then report that their save corrupted? I cannot replicate the issue here. And I tried many times.
The option isn't doing anything remarkable, just removes the single instruction that is writing the time. The time reads that address, adds a small amount, then writes back to that address. The trainer is simply removing the write instruction.
I second that. My game is broken after use only Always noon :/
Please remove the trainer before other will corrupt their savegames
[Edited by vodkapom, 4/1/2023 7:40:18 AM]
Can someone else start a game, use this option ONLY, make saves (for fun) and then report that their save corrupted? I cannot replicate the issue here. And I tried many times.
The option isn't doing anything remarkable, just removes the single instruction that is writing the time. The time reads that address, adds a small amount, then writes back to that address. The trainer is simply removing the write instruction.
One issue is there are features like haste that arent available until later in the game that do work. I posted that YT link showing the issue.