trainer works fine to u save game when u restart game and load save the game bugs out 😭
[Edited by corbath, 1/20/2023 7:58:30 AM]
Could you please be more specific?
Does the game loads your save game?
When you have activated trainer and used options. When you load saved game it opens allright, but you cant do anything forward... it freezes the game if you try to go to ex. Cafe or go sailing. If you load from "sea" it just freeze (black screen),
Looks like the trainer might have an issue, put your findings in an update request so it can be looked into.
You can grab an instant 3 trainer update requests and Boost the title in the RC store ( to get the trainer looked at quicker
Please use the update notification system to report a game patch, update or to report that the trainer may not be working with the latest version of the game. If 3 or more reports have been filed, consider BOOSTING the priority of this title for a faster turnaround on the updated trainer.
When you have activated trainer and used options. When you load saved game it opens allright, but you cant do anything forward... it freezes the game if you try to go to ex. Cafe or go sailing. If you load from "sea" it just freeze (black screen),
Can you please confirm if this is tied solely to the activation or happens by the options?if yes the which option?