FYI, the freeze does NOT work on the cop chase. All cars including user's freezes in place, and nitro has no effect. SPOILER ALERT: I just got to the part where it's 2 years later, and you start off again if this helps.
Provide a savegame as we cannot play the game for hours on end to test every option in every possible scenario.
Save Game Attached.
Also, my car now can't seem to turn correctly. Like the steering is borked.
money doesnt work for me either, im on origin tho
We made the trainer using EA Play which is basically Origin version.
The trainer is for OFFLINE, and CAMPAIGN STORY MODE part of the game.
turn on, have enough money to buy something, buy something, you have more money. Buy a shirt.
I can't NOT make it work.
Some other people posted videos and info here to help, but basically the trainer is only able to work with the campaign and offline mode of the game.
[Edited by Caliber, 11/30/2022 6:42:54 PM]