Filing an update report is hardly jumping through hoops. All games and updates have the same requirements and thus my response was spot on. You want an update sooner, we can do it for $500 USD which is about how much it costs us to produce each trainer. Interested? PM me for our PayPal info. Otherwise, sit back and let the system do its job.
Update report filed but requires crowd sourcing. As I have mentioned there is none. Credits and money is not an issue.
Filing an update report is hardly jumping through hoops. All games and updates have the same requirements and thus my response was spot on. You want an update sooner, we can do it for $500 USD which is about how much it costs us to produce each trainer. Interested? PM me for our PayPal info. Otherwise, sit back and let the system do its job.
Update report filed but requires crowd sourcing. As I have mentioned there is none. Credits and money is not an issue.
$500 is ridiculous for a mere game. $50.
1st There is. Search better.
2nd Then send a private message not a public one to everyone to see and be able to reply.
3rd Goodbye "Karen". Not worth my time or my help.
Have a nice Life.
Ouch. Playing too much Stray.
Don is the name.
Waiting is not an issue. Crowd Sourcing is and that has no time factor. It is a social Networking factor.
I don't see any comparison between what you do and what a plumber does. I was a plumber for 10 years.
Correcting memory locations with your tools, I use tools I wrote in my work too, you obviously should not take more than one hour. I know an excellent plumber and he charges $50 because it is always fixed in an hour.
If it can be fixed in an hour, then have at it. Want to know what tool we use to create ALL of our trainers? CoSMOS. If our guys can do it then surely someone of your education level can pull it off.
Waiting is not an issue. Crowd Sourcing is and that has no time factor. It is a social Networking factor.
I don't see any comparison between what you do and what a plumber does. I was a plumber for 10 years.
Correcting memory locations with your tools, I use tools I wrote in my work too, you obviously should not take more than one hour. I know an excellent plumber and he charges $50 because it is always fixed in an hour.
If it can be fixed in an hour, then have at it. Want to know what tool we use to create ALL of our trainers? CoSMOS. If our guys can do it then surely someone of your education level can pull it off.
You forget I paid you to do it for all of us when you started with a lifetime membership. Plus I have donated and bought lifetime membership pluses a few times before you offered the lifetime membership plus which by my accounting I have paid for.