We currently don't have any The Scroll of Taiwu trainers, cheats or editors for PC. Premium members may REQUEST new trainers and cheats using our request system as long as the game has not been permanently retired or multiplayer only in nature. Use our message board to discuss the game.
kylerocky posted on Sep 24, 2022 6:02:11 AM - Report post
Game has releaunched with a whole new steam early access. It now starts at v0.0.1. Any chance this game can come out of retirement for new trainers?
[Edited by kylerocky, 9/24/2022 6:02:34 AM]
Caliber posted on Sep 24, 2022 8:04:02 AM - Report post
multiple issues, which are still happening, which is probably why we retired it. Also, RELAUNCHED into early access? huh?
endless patching... all over again.. 6 times in the last 2.5 days..
game is at 0.0.1. which is ALPHA numbering. So basically they started over completely.. 4.5 years later from when they started BEFORE in early access.. huh?
game is completely in chinese. At least that's what the info on the steam page says. store.steampowered.com/app/838350/_The_Scroll_Of_Taiwu/ note the boards.. huh? steamcommunity.com/app/838350/discussions/
Is this title going to ever be COMPLETED? STOP PATCHING? HAVE ENGLISH SUPPORT? Will it happen in THIS CENTURY?
Sorry the snark, just that these titles are endless time sinks, and it's crazy people continue to support early access 4.5 years later, and endless tinkering by developers who are clearly learning how to code still and have no idea what they are doing, which is why it takes 5 years to do these things. They should make their 'first game' at home and make it free on some download page and go through all these learning pains BEFORE they try to charge people.
I rant on this endlessly because it's a cancer on the game industry, and it certainly causes US here a lot of unnecessary and endless work for what WE do.
I can't make people start making STEAM do something about this, and maybe nobody but us cares, but for the site here.. we don't have endless time.
I doubt this is coming out of retirement right now. Holler when it's RELEASED OUT OF EA, STOPS PATCHING, and HAS ENGLISH SUPPORT.