Chris, have you thought about maybe advertising on Youtube? Never Mind I just found your videos on youtube LOL. By the way when I first joined, I wanted a cheat for the first Company of Heroes and when I read about your site on the Gamespot Forums I had my doubts, but I bought my membership, and I was not disappointed. Thank you for making it possible for me to be able to finish all these games which I would not be able to do without your trainers.
[Edited by Getius, 9/3/2022 2:52:19 PM]
Likewise. I have very little time to play ANY games and I too rely on our own trainers to skip past the grindy and extremely difficult parts so that I may actually see and experience the ending which I paid good money for. I simply feel bad for people that ultimately give up in frustration over a game's insane difficulty or some kind of glitch and never get to enjoy the entire game of which they purchased. I hope nothing more than for those players, and others like them in similar circumstances due to medical conditions or otherwise, find our site and also find the value that we can offer in being able to complete their entire library of unfinished games.