Hello. I noticed after the update today when clicking F1 I hear "Please wait, then trainer activated". However when i press anything on the number key, nothing happens
I am having the same issue in multiple games. After nothing happens Aurora crashes and when I restart and attempt to activate, then it shows "Failed" with the error, "Successfully attached to ChaosGate" and then "CollectCombat, Script error in line 13: Cannot find aob for 'Collect_Units_Combat"
EDIT - It appears to be widespread: www.cheathappens.com/show_board2.asp?headID=151311&titleID=77044
[Edited by qwerty02121, 7/13/2022 6:30:20 PM]
is there any way to add an option to speed up research and construction....
Please use the trainer option request system for requesting new options be added to this trainer and/or vote on options already requested.
Anyone else experiencing crash to desktop after activating current version of trainer?
( version 12-6-22)
Yup, same for me. The trainer activates fine, but the game crashes when I access the barracks and select a knight. The most probable cause is the update which added the "Duty Eternal" DLC.
The combat options worked for me when activating the trainer during a mission (apart from the "no fog of war". However, after the mission the game CTD when I tried to promote a knight.
I filed an update request using the appropriate form. Now, we just have to patiently wait. (or try our hands at Cosmos in the meantime 😉