Game crashes on trainer initiating. I have submitted a report for an update via the appropriate request option. Steam states it is a small update from 1.000 to 1.001. When I looked into it the update is a whopping 34gb. I would hate to see what the size is when they call it a large update.😕
[Edited by Mister Rampage, 4/14/2022 5:36:01 AM]
Most options work after the patch, except Unlimited Vehicle Health, make sure you have latest video drivers, and recommend validating the install on Steam. After the patch I had to validate the install, because game would error out. But it was due to a missing file.
Also, CheatHappens team great trainer as always, hope you have a great day.
[Edited by myrmidon, 4/14/2022 6:40:04 AM]
For me all the options I use work, EXCEPT, "Unlimited Vehicle Health". Hopefully they'll patch it. I'll submit a request for it.
Please use the update notification system to report a game patch, update or to report that the trainer may not be working with the latest version of the game. If 3 or more reports have been filed, consider BOOSTING the priority of this title for a faster turnaround on the updated trainer.
Is it possible to have a "Rapid Fire" option?
Please use the trainer option request system for requesting new options be added to this trainer and/or vote on options already requested.