Creating a "CosmosLinux.desktop" file with the content below will prompt for the sudo password when starting CosmosLinux. The path may need to be adjusted for your install obviously. This could be further enhanced by referencing an image for the file icon. This can also be used with Steam as a 3rd party app, although it requires manually copying everything on the EXEC line after "sh" to the parameters in the Steam shortcut.
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=sh -c "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY /home/deck/Apps/Cosmos/CosmosLinux"
Comment[en_US]=Start Cosmos Linux
Name[en_US]=Cosmos Linux
Name=Cosmos Linux
Comment=Run Cosmos Linux
[Edited by Mellified, 3/26/2022 8:36:44 PM]
Couldn't get it to work launching from steam.
What exactly needs to be in the target/startin/launchoptions fields?
Tried "pkexec...." in target and launch options, even tried using bash instead of sh.
(This might be a duplicate post, previous one didn't seem to go through)
Sorry, how do you switch applications on the deck? Tried finding an alt-tab in game binding but failing.
This is one of the reason why the Steamdeck is overhyped in my opinion. It's cool when you are in fullscreen alias "big picture mode" of Steam and just play your games. As soon as you leave that, you'll immediately see that this device/software has been rushed out to the market. There is no way to alt+tab, unless you connect an external keyboard.
Would be great if we could edit the code and not just the value...this is pretty worthless as it is right now. Has none of the options, no debugger, no way to edit and create anything other than values.
If it's worthless then don't ****ing use it. Write your own software or tell Valve to get the stick out of their ass and let programs like ours run on their POS OS.