I am pretty new to script making and so far can nop pretty well but am lost at how to convert my AOBScans to pointers or smart addresses or do anything other then nop's
Started playing Monark yesterday and found the address for attack ranges but would like some help making a script so they can be automatically found, if you can point me in the right direction to learn I would very much appreciate it.
Hopefully this can help someone as well, I found the entry that changes the range of attacks for controlled char but I dont know how to automatically convert it to a script/smart address correctly.
MONARK.exe.text+1C5F0A - 0F11 43 40 - movups [rbx+40],xmm0
If you see what writes to it, +12 bytes from there will be the range value
+14 is width for the cone shaped ones
Char 2 -
Also if anyone can point me in the right direction on learning how to do that, I would be very thankful
Also here is a script I made to stop the MAD from increasing when roaming in the mist
Here is a script to disable the MAD from increasing for all party members
{ Game : MONARK.exe
Date : 2022-02-25
Author : JRemi
This script does blah blah blah
aobscanmodule(INJECT,MONARK.exe,89 51 10 85 D2) // should be unique
nop 3
jmp return
jmp newmem
db 89 51 10 85 D2
MONARK.exe.text+13C0EF: CC - int 3
MONARK.exe.text+13C0F0: 89 51 30 - mov [rcx+30],edx
MONARK.exe.text+13C0F3: 83 FA 01 - cmp edx,01
MONARK.exe.text+13C0F6: 7D 08 - jnl MONARK.exe.text+13C100
MONARK.exe.text+13C0F8: C7 41 30 01 00 00 00 - mov [rcx+30],00000001
MONARK.exe.text+13C0FF: C3 - ret
MONARK.exe.text+13C100: 81 FA 0F 27 00 00 - cmp edx,0000270F
MONARK.exe.text+13C106: 7E 07 - jle MONARK.exe.text+13C10F
MONARK.exe.text+13C108: C7 41 30 0F 27 00 00 - mov [rcx+30],0000270F
MONARK.exe.text+13C10F: C3 - ret
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
MONARK.exe.text+13C110: 89 51 10 - mov [rcx+10],edx
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
MONARK.exe.text+13C113: 85 D2 - test edx,edx
MONARK.exe.text+13C115: 79 08 - jns MONARK.exe.text+13C11F
MONARK.exe.text+13C117: C7 41 10 00 00 00 00 - mov [rcx+10],00000000
MONARK.exe.text+13C11E: C3 - ret
MONARK.exe.text+13C11F: 83 FA 64 - cmp edx,64
MONARK.exe.text+13C122: 7E 07 - jle MONARK.exe.text+13C12B
MONARK.exe.text+13C124: C7 41 10 64 00 00 00 - mov [rcx+10],00000064
MONARK.exe.text+13C12B: C3 - ret
MONARK.exe.text+13C12C: CC - int 3
MONARK.exe.text+13C12D: CC - int 3