I must be doing something wrong here because I just can't get the majority of these options to work. Specifically with the XP part I've tried going into the character screen and changing the XP, I've tried it on the world map and I've tried it in a mission and it doesn't seem to affect anything. Same goes with the adding of skill points and giving my characters extra health. Option 1 works fine and I have been able to add supplies OK but nothing else.
Can anyone explain a little bit more how you've got these options to work?
Hey there, first of all make sure your anti virus isn't blocking the cheat.
Second thing you should pay attention to is pressing TAB after you change one of the entries in the editor. Basically change skill points from 0 to 5 press TAB and after that you go back to the game. I have had no issues with the cheat so far. Everything works just fine.
Hope this helps,
Has anyone figured out crafting items in Cosmos? I think they're stored as values referencing the individual stacks, probably a float value.
I.E. if you have 2034 iron it's actually 1000 + 1000 + 34
I'[ll keep testing unless you legends wanna push for crafting options, was really hoping for instant craft
I've managed to find the crafting item values (number of pristine salvage, heavy armor plates etc) by just searching for the exact value as 4 bytes. Haven't tried to find the value for the time to craft though, was also thinking of doing that until I realized that only crafting new items and tacticals actually takes time (and you have unlimited time), upgrading them or modifying them is instant, so once you have the armor piece you want you can use it for the entire game, same with weapons.