Hi all,
I have come across a bug in the game where if you take a harvest job it will not complete.
With the help from a fellow user on steam we have got a fix for it at present time.
For this you will need to save and quit the game, then go into your save file for your farm something like this below.
E:\My Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2022\savegame1 In there you are looking for the missions.xml file. This can be edited with Notepad++ or just notepad.
You are going to look at the top section of this and it will look something like this - Click the
Link to see.
The one you will be looking for will have this mission type="harvest" activeId="1" once you have located this you will then look for expectedLiters="10000.00" The amount there will be different for you.
You are going to want to change that to just one so it looks like this expectedLiters="1"
Once you have done this save the file don't change its name and load your game back up and then load your farm up. It will then have the acknowledgement of the contact finished come up in the right top corner of the screen.