There is a console in game, that let's you spawn pretty much everything. I thought i'd post it here, while the Trainer is on hold.
I hope this is ok
-Open console: O(upper case o),7,8,9,6,3,2,1,4,O(uppercase o again) Numbers have to be NumBlock. This has been canged in the past, so if it doesn't work anymore, google it.
-soil piles: -getsand 100000 (get 100000 soil pile)
-spawn item: -giveitem [ID],[Number]
-some IDs:
--Science Matrices 6001(blue), 6002(red), 6003(yellow), 6004(purple), 6005(green), 6006(white)
--conveyor belts: 2001(Mk1), 2002(Mk2), 2003(Mk3)
--Sorter: 2011, 2012, 2013
--space warper: 1210
--Fuel rods: 1801(hydrogen, 1802(Deuterium), 1803(antimatter)
--Foundation 1131
Thanks for the heads up much appreciated.