Unlimited Excavator Fuel is crashing game.
LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 372]
SwapChain->ResizeBuffers(0, SizeX, SizeY, RenderTargetFormat, D3D11GetSwapChainFlags()) failed
at D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Windows/D3D11RHI/Private/D3D11Viewport.cpp:316
Size=2560x1440 Format=DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM(0x00000018)
0x00007ffec0204f99 KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff696e9d2c6 GSS2-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff696e5b76d GSS2-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff6973091c1 GSS2-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff697306b5f GSS2-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff697e56b31 GSS2-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff697e6139f GSS2-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff6971b4c44 GSS2-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff6971c7382 GSS2-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff6971c6fad GSS2-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff6967b641e GSS2-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff6967bc84c GSS2-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff6967bc8ba GSS2-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff6967c69df GSS2-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff698faf6a2 GSS2-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ffec1197034 KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ffec2742651 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []
[Edited by imthescott, 9/18/2021 3:39:14 AM]
alright,thanks for the info and feedback.
it happens immediately after activation or at some point?
game has been updated yesterday and it broke most of the patterns,i've to redo most of the options and it'll be done today,i think most of the bugs been fixed so i think i can add more options,stay tuned.
Thanks for the hard work, not enough thanks going around this thread. I'm eagerly but patiently waiting on your product.
game has been updated yesterday and it broke most of the patterns,i've to redo most of the options and it'll be done today,i think most of the bugs been fixed so i think i can add more options,stay tuned.
Thanks for the hard work, not enough thanks going around this thread. I'm eagerly but patiently waiting on your product.
^ Totally agree with the message above! Really do appreciate all of your hard work and we will patiently wait for the next update
also none of the options from the trainer work.
The only option which does something is the crash
He literally said that in the message above yours.