Is every trainer need to be paid btw?
Yes, 99% of them require some level of a paid subscription.
I can get banned? im thinking about to purchase.
If any other know something about it, please.
Considering it's made by the same company who made Borderlands, I doubt it. They never banned anyone from Borderlands for obvious cheats in MP or SP.
played the game with trainer on for 9hrs straight, no crash, no nothing, options working fine, and yes, some cooldown options may not work on all weapons.
but its all good, since this game is always checking its value back to server. CH did an excellent works as always!!
I love that you played for 9 hours straight lol. Loving it so far! I just played for a couple of hours myself and no problems. I had some issues with specific weapon cooldowns as well, but otherwise worked flawlessly.
Is it possible to get a leveling/xp option? The grind after lvl 40 is REAL!
[Edited by sn8ke, 11/13/2020 8:56:35 AM]
Please use the trainer option request system for requesting new options be added to this trainer and/or vote on options already requested.