So I requested an update to the trainer because the gamepass version was updated and the trainer can no longer find the game, but the request was denied because 0x90 said the trainer was still working and to make sure I wasn't using the steam trainer. The trainer I used was the gamepass version and it was working until the update. In the credits of the game at the lower left of the screen is a version number and here is what mine says- 1.1F.42718. So is it possible that 0x90 hadn't gotten the update yet? Sorry to be a pain. Thanks.
[Edited by MasaShake, 10/5/2020 7:04:45 PM]
It might be, I'll send him a message to have a quick look on his end, to confirm the new 1.1F.42718 version.
I see and update on steam for Oct 2nd 2020, but no version number, I'll put it on the Trainer Monkey test sheet as well.
[Edited by moderator CyPHeR369, 10/5/2020 7:44:54 PM]
File another update request.
Just did, the trainer won't detect the game so I'm unable to determine if any of the options work.
File another update request.
Just did, the trainer won't detect the game so I'm unable to determine if any of the options work.
Just an fyi, the process changed from FrogSpawn.exe to Battletoads.exe.