Likely the trainer is running normally, just off the screen so just use it normally and get the keys from the readme that comes with it.
Ok, sorry I took some time to reply, but I tried it out some 50 times with game and pc restarts each time. About 1 time in 10, trainer would work even though option panel invisible, the other times it would say trainer activated or so, but options would not work. Also, when it would work, some options, such as AI and in essence immortality would not work and char would die. For instance in the campaign 2 mission vs aircrafts, there is no way of avoiding being laser tagged by the stukas while getting to the AA guns, char dying almost every route taken, and those were many.
I finally gave up and will relax with a biot of online playing with my team on Division 2, until I find some solution to the issue.
[Edited by PeterTheFish, 8/11/2020 9:53:32 PM]