I'm sorry but despite the update the same scenario is what has resulted, the switch back with same launcher causes the game to crash at startup. I have to verify the game files every-time to get the Vulkan version running again no matter how I choose to proceed (per your instructions or if I try alternative methods)
I honestly think that the best course of action is that once the game files have been verified and the game runs, the user should then have the option to choose the version of the launcher that matches the version of the game he wants to use, this will ensure that there are not conflict as this game's behavior seems to be very capricious.
Well that's fine and good, but since the game has anticheats, 4 executables, and I am in control of what is possible and what time I want to spend on this..
close the game..
THEN you don't even NEED the launcher EVER AGAIN unless the game patches.
You can run whatever version you like.. just as I described above. I just tried it and the trainer works perfectly with the Vulkan version which you can run. I blew 15 minutes of my day verifying and testing all this, only to find that it works STILL just like I explained above.
Using the above, works just fine for me as well.