Invincible team doesn't working after update. Deleted all files as suggested, started new campaign and load saved game, nothing works, all other functions works. -.-
Invincible Team:
Toggle on and MOST units and buildings on your team are invincible. Leave OFF until the battle or mission has actually started and you can use the units. Toggle OFF if you see that some enemy units are affected, then turn back on.
Did all the above and more its just not working right right now this stuff happens sometimes. im sure they will figure out why its not working they always do😋
yea getting same if u use it at menu instead the enemy sometimes get the invincible to
was fine to new trainer after update useing in game now dos not work like it did 😓
[Edited by corbath, 9/11/2020 6:14:39 AM]
Trainer was updated and tested in skirmish. Works here. They DID change a lot of code. THis game is still basically in early access mode, as they tinker and fix it constantly.
I have no other suggestions.