do it when in loading screen starting a mission
also infinite life aka Godmode makes everything indestructeble
[Edited by locomotor, 6/5/2020 9:45:55 PM]
Which game? Red Alert? Tiberium? Share your savegame please so we can reproduce it
[Edited by 0x90, 6/6/2020 4:51:25 AM]
I activated the trainer (F1) after the mission loaded. When I activate the infinite health option, my enemies become invincible - even though I deactivate the cheat. What is the proper way to activate the infinite health without making your enemies invincible?
Which game? Red Alert? Tiberium? Share your savegame please so we can reproduce it
[Edited by 0x90, 6/6/2020 4:51:32 AM]
there is plan for Origin platform trainer ?
I think it's better that they short out how the trainer is giving inconsistent performance first and how to work around the Alt+Tab constantly for each mission, before making one for Origin. Personally having it on steam is better. You get achievements, screenshots, etc. But to each their own. 😋