I have the latest net frame installed and the trainer says i need to download net frame and install to install the trainer. Whats is the deal
thanks John Cates
Have all of the following installed.
.NET Core 3.1 Desktop Runtime x86 Link
.NET Core 3.1 Desktop Runtime x64 Link
.NET Core Current Runtime x86 Link
.NET Core Current Runtime x64 Link
.NET Framework (get latest) Link
(Both x86 and x64 of the .Net Core MUST be installed)
Reboot PC when done.
There was an update today to the game and now the Freeze Mission Timers option does not work. When I use it the timer does not move but when I get to my destination there is a car in front of the building front door which if I had beat them there then there should not be one there and I can't enter the building. Put simply the game is acting as if I lost the mission but its not ending the mission with a losing screen. I would submit an update request but I don't know how to find the version number of the game.
So am I the only one having the problem I mentioned above? Simple what happens is that when doing the mission where I'm supposed to warn Leo I use the freeze mission timers option and when I reach my destination the timer has not moved but Henrys car is parked in front of Leos home. and I cannot enter the house. Its as if I lost the race to the house but the game does not tell me I failed the mission. Is this happening to anyone else?