It'll probably have built in cheat codes, like the rest of Blizzard's non-MMO games.
Possibly the same ones for the original WC3.
Never played Warcraft single player games before, so this Warcraft 3: Reforged was quite interesting. Google is your friend.
Found this for cheat codes, link:
Only codes that found that does work is as follows
whosyourdaddy : godmode (note this affects any units you make)
warpten : instant speed for buildings and units (caution unit limit is 100)
greedisgood 99999 (the default without any numbers will give you default 500 gold and 500 wood)
iseedeadpeople: uncovers the entire map
allyourbasearebelongtous: Instant Victory or in case of situations where you have a timer and get stuck and if timer expires you get failed mission
These codes are for singleplayer only, DO NOT USE IN MULTIPLAYER
Have fun... 😀