The reason is that it got removed from Gamepass. If a game gets removed from Steam, we will drop Steam support. If the game is then sold somewhere else, we will not automatically support this version. Because we have to pay again for the same game + likely make a new trainer because game code is different. It falls under the category of "Add support for a different distribution". You have to make a request.
But since you have to pay for the Windows Store version, why don't you just buy the Steam version instead?
🙂 Thank you for the quick response 0x90, big fan of your work. I'm primarily an xbox/console gamer, I do however play on PC sometimes and moreso now since I found CH. I love the ability to jump between PC and console seamlessly with cloud saves and I really want to finish out the achievements that I started on xbox/gamepass/windows store, I have 145hrs on that save (lol) I don't mind requesting and purchasing a copy for you to use if it helps.
I'm guessing there isn't much other support for this title though, would I be better off just using CoSMOS and see how far I can get?
Thanks again!
Update: CoSMOS works fine. Disregard. 😀
[Edited by brazenisgod, 8/23/2021 12:12:04 PM]