I was having the mem crash and switched the graphics setting to use all mem available. Seem to have settled the issue for me.
@Caliber, is there any way to change the default value for unlimited movement? The default in game value is somewhere around 3500. It would be really nice if we could set that value for the trainer once and then have it apply that value each time, as it does currently with the 9999. Is this something that can be modified via the new XML settings system (which is awesome, btw)?
not sure what you are asking.. the value is modifiable. is it resetting when you turn the option off then back on?
Yes, it is resetting each time it is toggled. So if I toggle it on I get 9999. I can then modify the value to 3500, which persists so long as I keep it on. Once I toggle it off, eg, for a battle or at the end of the turn, and then toggle it back on, the value is reset to 9999.